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Historic band that has left a deep imprint in the evolution of the Italian Heavy Metal. Given the
founding fathers of a genre (Epic / Prog) is worldwide known for their sound very unique. The group
born as a trio in 1974 with the name "Omega Erre" performing covers for about eight years, until they decided
to give shape to their ideas and in 1980 created "Dark Quarterer". The lineup then sees Paolo (nipa)
Ninci on drums, Gianni Nepi on bass and vocals and guitarist Fulberto Serena. This is how the first two
work record of the group (1987 Dark Quarterer, 1989 Etruscan prophecy). Fulbert significantly influence
these two albums and drawing guidelines on which both John and Paul with the drums as well as write the
lyrics is doing an outstanding job with the bass with his unmistakable voice make them become two
are regarded as masterpieces by many reviews from around the world. In
1990 Fulberto leave the band and his place was taken by an old friend, Sandro Tersetti, which gives a different
footprint to the band (more hardrock, genre in which he was trained). From this association comes on the third
album (1995 War Tears), also destined to become a rare LP and was reviewed anywhere with very high votes
With Tersetti however also increases the activity live .
Despite the positive outlook and beginning work on the new disc, yet a change in lineup, Sandro
Tersetti goes away and the band is forced to start over again. Since 1998 the situation was finally
stabilized with the arrival of the then nineteen Francesco Sozzi. Francis brings the sound to the origins while
giving the band a lot of personality and the fruit of this new partnership is the fourth album "2002
Violence. This latest work sees the growth of the group that put all the experience of the founders
(John and Paul) and the freshness of the new technical guitarist (Francis), making another acclaimed object
of worship. The need to reproduce the sounds present in the Live discs since 2003 begins
collaboration with keyboardist Francesco Longhi stable insertion that results in the group and the new
setting in writing and producing songs that will form the lineup of the fifth disc,
(Scheduled for release in spring 2007), as well as in arrangements of classical works belonging to
Fifth album that finally sees the light in June 2008, "Symbols" is the title of which contains six tracks
dedicated to as many historical characters with their lives showed most aspects
human becoming just "symbols". Tutankhamen, Gaius Julius Caesar, Genghis Kahn, Jeanne D'Arc
Kunta Kinte (the book Roots) and Geronimo. six scores for a journey through time and emotions.

The Etruscan Prophecy
is the second full length by dark quarterer, released in 1988 by Cobra records.
Gianni Nepi - Vocals, bass
Fulberto Serena - Guitar
Paolo Ninci- Drums


1. Retributioner
2. Piercing Hail
3. The Etruscan Prophecy
4. Devil Stroke
5. The Last Hope
6. Angels Of Mire
7. Queen Of The Sewer


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Ciao metal maniax!! benvenuti nell'unico blog dedicato interamente al metal italiano anni 80.. stiamo cercando di ripercorrere e rimettere in luce il periodo d'oro della scena metal italiana, tracciando tutto il periodo che va dal 1979 al 1992 circa. Cio' che proponiamo è fatto con totale devozione e piena passione verso cio' che è stato ingiustamente dimenticato dalla stessa audience italiana, e cio' che i giovani metalheads ( e non ) spesso non conoscono. Per idee,contributi o solo per insulti vari, contattateci. siamo anche su facebook.
Hey Kids!!! Welcome to the newest and possibly ONLY blog entirely dedicated to the 80's italian heavy metal, that will trace around the period 1979 to 1992 .. IE the golden age of Italian Heavy Metal .. This blog is made with full passion and total dedication to a very forgotten scene who dominated italy more than 20 years ago.. truly forgotten by the actual italian audience, mostly. so, if you want to contribute with ideas,or just to complain, please contact can find us also on facebook.

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